Published by cce on 2011-08-09
This is a brainstorm topic on catalog structure, extensions, and access. On startup, HTSQL introspects the database to find catalog information. Sometimes this information needs to be augmented with additional detail, including missing information, renaming links, providing for calculated attributes and custom application data.
So, by Catalog we mean both the API for access and internal Entities: currently Schema, Table & Column.
There are two aspects. Structurally, Plugins can add entities and attributes of entities. The content of the Catalog structure would be db introspection, catalog configuration overrides, or converters from ORMs such.
At the HTSQL level, we’re assuming an unmanaged, product based approach with YAML configuration. We are leaving it to framework adapters and higher-level automation tools to make it more “user friendly”.
The catalog that is configured & used to generate SQL is not the same information that is returned by an introspection operation. Although they are tightly related. Since you can’t access SQL entities directly via HTSQL, it makes no point to permit them to be queried.
Instead, the introspection model consists of nodes and arcs. In this view, a “table” is really an arc from the root node to an node representing the given table; a foreign key from a table to another table is also an arc, creating a unified model. Columns are encapsulated as node attributes, and actual database type of a column is only realized via the HTSQL Domain.
For example, let’s take a column label attribute that would be attached to the Column entity. This would be kind of “entity plugin”, it would override the construction of Column objects to add the label attribute. This plugin would also have its own configuration file that would override any “introspected” values. We’d imagine this would simply be a mapping of schema.table.column identifiers onto the actual labels. Perhaps tedious, but functional and obvious.
It would then be the task of any introspector plugin to fill in this label attribute if it knew of a strategy to do so. For example a Django configurator that would run instead of the default introspector might grab the title from the corresponding ORM Entity objects. We assume that there wouldn’t be more than one configurator plugin active.
How do we add a calculation to the server? We could have it be done via configuration only, but this would limit it only to administration. This could be done via a UserCalc plugin that uses YAML and/or SQLite storage; then on restart/refresh load them. How do we do this incrementally?
Extra Attributes
User interface tools may wish to add attributes, such as a column label or coordinates for layout. How are these stored, updated, queried, etc.
Extra Structures
One may even wish to have new structures, such as layout with relations to other entities. Another example of this may be additional full-text search data which may need to augment existing catalog data.
Do we have any way to update the catalog at runtime without restarting the server. Perhaps you don’t need refresh, since this operation is the primary cost of startup and hence restarting may be sufficient. One problem is dynamically adding a calculation for a user session or global definitions incrementally. Ability to update catalog on fly without restarting?
Do we need to introspect on every rebuild? So in 1.0 we started with a two-phase process. The first phase, we introspected to make a catalog configuration file (in YAML) and second page, we used the configuration file to load without doing introspection again. With plugins we had other options.
If you cache introspection and/or attach configuration data to it, what happens when you re-introspect and a table is renamed, etc. For PostgreSQL, you can know if a rename happened, since the pg_class OID is same; but this shouldn’t be pg specific.
Sometimes the information in an introspected catalog lacks detail that a user would wish. Perhaps it’s not setup in the database such as a missing foreign key constraint, or such information isn’t available such as MySQL’s MyISAM that completely lacks foreign keys. It’s also possible that permissions arn’t setup or are not a database feature.
HTSQL uses candidate keys to provide deterministic output, joining two instances of the same table for various query construction needs. A candidate key is defined as the primary key, if it exists, of the first unique key where all columns are not null. If a candidate key is not provided, there is a weak fallback: a listing of a table will order by all columns and many query constructions become errors. If the candidate key is invalid (there is data that violates the constraint) then the HTSQL processor will not behave properly.
HTSQL uses foreign keys to connect tables; where each foreign key creates a forward and a backward link. If the target of a foreign key is a candidate key, the link is singular; otherwise, it is assumed to be plural. In HTSQL, link pairs could also be arbitrary joins, partial associations where the links in both directions are plural.
A proposed catalog format for providing missing & augmented information (such as arbitrary non-foreign key joins). It could look something like:
- schema: foo
table: bar
columns: [ a, b ]
is-primary: true
- origin:
schema: foo
table: source
columns: [c1, c2]
schema: foo
table: dest
columns: [d, e]
- schema: foo
table: bar
columns: [c1, c2]
- schema: skip_this_schema
- schema: a_schema
table: skip_this_table
- schema: a_schema
table: *
columns: [_history, _last_updated]
An issue with this format is that arbitrary link pairs that are either dirty, non-enforceable foreign keys or partial link pairs (many-to-many) would be included in the foreign key section, which is a bit misleading.
For link from root scope to a given table, using the table name works except in a few cases. Trivial (and rare) case is where the table name is not unique after normalization due to collisions or two tables differing by schema. Other cases are multi-column foreign keys that can’t be named after a particular column. Still other cases include ambiguous reverse links (by default named after the target table) where there are two or more possible reverse links. Finally, the default link names simply may not be intuitive or helpful.
In these situations we need a way to provide names or override the auto-generated names. It’s not clear at this point where these would go in the configuration file. Should they be a separate section? or should they augment foreign key detail?