HTSQL Roadmap for April, 2011

Published by cce on 2011-03-31

The HTSQL 2.1 release is scoped to deliver extended query functionality for advanced queries. The previous betas of 2.1 added support for more backends, datetime, projections, and calculated attributes. Here we discuss features yet to be implemented for the HTSQL 2.1 final release.

Advanced Queries

So far we’ve implemented calculated attributes to reduce the redundancy found in complex expressions. We’ve also introduced projections, so that results can be returned from relations that are not materialized as an existing table. What’s left is some semantic cleanup, linking features and optimizations.

Advanced Linking Connectors

Currently HTSQL limits query construction to a pre-defined set of links defined by foreign key relationships. This set of features will allow the construction of arbitrary navigation paths.

We’ll introduce a virtual table home which has one row and a plural link to every table in the system, and a singular link back. The home() function will link back to this virtual table. This will permit cross joins, for instance, course.home().program generate a cross product between course and program tables.
The fork() operation will clone the last axis of the link chain. In the simple case, course.fork() is equivalent to course.home().course. The fork() function may accept an argument which indicates an extra join condition. For example, /course?credits>avg(fork().credits) returns courses having more credits than average.
The link(chain, condition) operation generates an arbitrary link from the current context to the table identified by the chain, associating rows based on the given condition. This is especially useful when a foreign key is omitted from the catalog.

We have reserved the @ character for an abbreviated link construct, but have yet to decide if it’ll be used for home() or fork()

Functional Aliases

Currently we use {} for selection, ? for filtering, and ^ for projections. Occasionally, it’s more convenient to use a functional notation for these operations, therefore we want to add the following functions:

For example, /,name) is equivalent to /department{school,name}.
The query /school?code='ns' could be expresses instead as /school.filter(code='ns').
A projection, /(program^degree) could be written /distinct(program{degree}).

To implement this change, many parser internals will have to be revisited and selection semantics re-defined.

Name Lookup

Currently when you follow a table link, there’s no way to refer to the columns of the previous tables in the link path. This is rather restricted behavior but important to preserve the principle of least surprise – adding a new column to a table or an expression to a macro shouldn’t cause existing queries to break.

We want to introduce a lookup operator, *name which would look for the name recursively in the link path.

Alternatively, if we decide not to add extra syntax at this point, we may introduce a special namespace all(), which includes names from the current and all the previous namespaces in the link path.

One possible use of this feature is accessing macro arguments in a nested link context, e.g., define(cohort(y):=student?year(dob)=*y)

We also would use \*n, where n is an integer literal to refer to the nth element of the current selection. This feature would make it easy to filter on complex expressions without repeating them.

Projection Namespace

We would like the projection operator to define a more usable namespace, for instance, program^degree should have a namespace with two names, degree which refers to the projection’s kernel and program which refers to the base of the projection.

But, how do we define the namespace in the general case where either the base or the kernel are arbitrary expressions?

Schemas & Ambiguous Names

Currently there isn’t a mechanism to refer to tables named the same but in different schemas. In a similar way, if a table has more than one backlink to the same target, they are inaccessible.

We don’t have any ideas how to fix this yet.

Aggregate Optimizations

We want to apply more aggressive optimizations for queries using aggregates to reduce the number of subselects. For instance, an expression /{avg(course{credits}?no>400),avg(course{credits}?no<=400)} could be re-written as /{avg(course{if(n>400,credits)}),avg(course{if(no<=400,credits)}} in order to use a single SELECT frame in the generated SQL.

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